On Saturday, a man and his son came over with a horse and left the horse in our pasture to wean her baby off. On Sunday morning, the horse got out and started down the road. Dad got on the 4-wheeler and chased down the horse and brought it home. After it was put back in the pasture, Dad watched it get out again to find the hole. Dad got on the 4-wheeler again, brought the horse back, and tied her up. Knowing where the hole was in the fence, my Dad stayed home from church and fixed it.
Mom, Mike, Zach and I went to church. After church, I went to a friends house instead of going home. (My Mom and I had made
cheesecake and broccoli salad on Saturday for the picnic.) Mom and the boys went home to get Dad for the picnic. The church picnic was a lot of fun! I got to spend a lot of time with all my friends. Sorry, no pictures.