Our Adventure in the Country

Enjoying Our Adventure in the Country!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Second Day of Shotcrete

In the morning, Mitchell Scitern of Reliable Pump Service came out to install our submersible well pump and faucet, so the crew would have water up at the dome.

Here is Mitchell and Andrew.

Here is the completed, temporary job. As soon as the shell of the dome is done, we will dig a trench from the well to the dome for the water and pump electric lines.

Just after that was finished, the concrete truck arrived. We've used Carroll County Ready-Mix to pour the ringbeam, the pad and now, the dome itself.

Roger and Brian preparing the equipment.

Brian mixing the shotcrete in the hopper.

Another picture of Brian with the hopper and the pump.

Bruce spraying shotcrete on the inside of the dome. Rick and Andrew are pushing the scaffolding and keeping the hose out of the way. (The motor's starter, that moves the scaffolding, burned out yesterday morning.)

This is the top of the dome with its first coat of shotcrete. They spray from bottom to top.

The wall with two coats of shotcrete, notice the depth marker.

The bottom half of the wall with two coats and the top half of the wall with one coat. (Sorry, it's blurry.)


Becky said...

I love your new picture at the top!

~Tammy~ said...

ditto what Becky said! Great photoes... I love the updates!